Who We Are?

Service Philosophy

  • Children are capable learners and thrive in a stimulating, nurturing and safe environment.
  • The environment is the third teacher and needs to be natural, alive and stimulating. The environment should also be free of physical hazards, bullying and other forms of abuse.
  • Play is children’s work and they need to be allowed time and space to explore, taking into consideration, their interests.
  • Each child is unique and comes from a unique culture and family background and this should be respected, encouraged and celebrated.
  • Parents are the first teachers and we need to respect their views and work collaboratively with them to achieve best outcomes for all children.
  • We should have respect for the children, colleagues and families and ensure that there is open communication to minimise misunderstandings and conflict. Children and adults alike have a right to be heard.
  • A culture of reflecting on the program and practices is encouraged so as to learn from mistakes and to improve on our practice.
  • Open communication and mutual respect will lead to a good working partnership with the host school, stakeholders and the community.

Extraordinary Experiences

Encouraging creativity through various forms of art can be very fulfilling for children

Organizing outdoor activities can help children appreciate nature and stay active

Engaging children in hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities can foster a love for these fields

Marking special times of the year with celebrations can create lasting memories

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Millarswell OSHC
Welcome to Millarswell OSHC. How can we help?